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Free Special New CFO Report And I.T. Risk Assessment

5 Significant Financial Risks CFOs Aren’t Being Warned About By Their I.T. Department

Get Immediate Access To The FREE Report That Explains It All:

Cost Savings & Awareness

Enhanced Data Security

Insurance Confidence

Here’s What This Report Will Reveal: 

5 SIGNIFICANT financial costs you will incur when a ransomware attack happens that are being routinely underestimated and have far-reaching consequences that most CFOs aren’t accounting for or insured against.

Whether or not your I.T. systems and data are truly secured from hackers and ransomware, and where you are partially or totally exposed. I’ll send you a simple e-mail. If it gets through your spam filters, you’ve already revealed a BIG gap in your security. Next…  

How to make sure your insurance company won’t deny payment of your ransomware or cyber-attack claim. This is routinely happening, and we estimate nearly 50% of claims could be denied for the reasons we’ll uncover and explain.  

If your data is actually being backed up in a manner that would allow you to recover it quickly in the event of an emergency or ransomware attack. Ask your team what an “immutable backup” is. They should not only know but have it in place. I’ll tell you why.   

Where you are unknowingly violating the FTC Safeguards or your cyber liability policy.

Nothing Is Costlier Than Solving A Crisis AFTER It’s Happened…  

Get this FREE report now so you have all the information you need to keep your company's bottom line protected.

BDS Offered A Solution During A Critical Time

I came across Business Data Services (BDS) through a Google search, and after considering other potential solutions, BDS stood out among the list of providers. The lack of proximity and inflexible scheduling with other local technology groups made it difficult to find an external IT provider who could meet our needs. However, BDS offered a solution during this critical time.

After meeting with BDS Vice President, Tito Huynh, and CEO, Huey Huynh, I was impressed with their knowledge and offsite support services. BDS had a detailed approach and was willing to work with our hybrid IT infrastructure, which was a big factor in our decision to partner with them. They provided a clear plan and pricing structure for their support services, making it easy for me to understand the value they could bring to RPS.

BDS Has Helped Me Better Manage My Responsibilities

Since partnering with BDS, they have provided offsite support for our phone systems and cybersecurity, and even offered onsite support and helped map out larger projects. This has allowed me to focus on other areas of RPS such as recruiting, cutting-edge technology, and capturing the next generation of potential clients through digital platforms. Despite the common challenges faced by businesses in the insurance industry, such as compliance with technology and regulations, working with BDS has helped me better manage my responsibilities and they have proven to be a valuable ally in tackling large projects. What sets BDS apart is their family-oriented culture and willingness to work with our specific needs. They have provided us with peace of mind and expertise to navigate through a crisis. I highly recommend BDS to any business in need of reliable and flexible IT services.

Brandon Graves Brandon Graves Technology Specialist
RPS Benefits By Design Inc.
Overland Park, KS

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