Discover an easier and more dependable way to protect your email and business
Email has helped the business world become more efficient and productive. But it has also become a target for spam, viruses, phishing, and malware. These in themselves are dangerous to you, but many small businesses are also not aware that they’re subject to the same compliance requirements as large businesses when it comes to their email records. BDS can help you become compliant with reliable archiving and email security systems.
Leverage email as a communication tool while preserving the information it contains so your email becomes an asset instead of a liability.
Our Email / Spam Protection solution lets you:
- Safeguard your email - stop malware and hackers from reaching your inbox
- Easily preserve and access emails - online archiving of all inbound and outbound filtered messages
- Increase efficiency - take stress off your server by offloading massive storage requirements
- Make searches easier - full email indexing makes searching much more flexible